Module:Rotaeno Data
可在Module:Rotaeno Data/doc创建此模块的帮助文档
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() local p = {} local function songClosure(info) -- 返回一个函数用于查询内容。 return function(key) -- 如果info无值即无法在songlist中查找到索引值,则返回nil。 if info == nil then return nil end -- 此处定义一个switch table以达到switch函数的效用。如果需要查找的参数在switch中不存在,返回nil。 local switch = { ["id"] = function() return info["id"] end, ["title"] = function() return info['title_localized']['default'] end, ["title-en"] = function() return info['title_localized']['en'] end, ["title-zh-Hans"] = function() return info['title_localized']['zh-Hans'] end, ["title-zh-Hant"] = function() return info['title_localized']['zh-Hant'] end, ["title-ja"] = function() return info['title_localized']['ja'] end, ["title-ko"] = function() return info['title_localized']['ko'] end, ["title-list"] = function() local list = {} for i, k in pairs(info['title_localized']) do if k ~= nil and k ~= "" and k ~= info['title_localized']['default'] and k ~= "en" then table.insert(list, "英文" .. ":" .. "-{" .. k .. "}-") end end if list[1] then return table.concat(list, " | ") else return nil end end, ["artist"] = function() return info["artist"] end, -- Rotaeno谱师在v2.0.0后可能不同难度不同,这里为了兼容性保留 ["ChartDesigner"] = function() return info["difficulties"][1]['chartDesigner'] end, ["ChartDesigner1"] = function() return info["difficulties"][1]['chartDesigner'] end, ["ChartDesigner2"] = function() return info["difficulties"][2]['chartDesigner'] end, ["ChartDesigner3"] = function() return info["difficulties"][3]['chartDesigner'] end, ["ChartDesigner4"] = function() return info["difficulties"][4]['chartDesigner'] end, ["ChartDesignerA"] = function() if info["difficulties"][5] then return info["difficulties"][5]['chartDesigner'] end end, -- Rotaeno画师目前都一样,所以随便找一个读取 ["JacketDesigner"] = function() return info["difficulties"][1]['jacketDesigner'] end, ["source"] = function() if info['source_localized'] then return info['source_localized']['default'] end end, ["rating1"] = function() return info["difficulties"][1]['ratingReal'] end, ["rating2"] = function() return info["difficulties"][2]['ratingReal'] end, ["rating3"] = function() return info["difficulties"][3]['ratingReal'] end, ["rating4"] = function() return info["difficulties"][4]['ratingReal'] end, ["ratingA"] = function() if info["difficulties"][5] then return info["difficulties"][5]['ratingReal'] end end, ["duration"] = function() return info["duration"] end } if info["difficulties"] == nil or info["difficulties"][1] == nil then mw.log("尝试检索参数:" .. key) mw.log("Songlist.json出现数据缺漏,终止全部数据检索。请使用参数填充。") return nil end if switch[key] == nil then mw.log('未定义的索引类型,请检查是否拼写错误。') return nil end return switch[key]() end end -- 传入JSON文件,索引值和索引值类型(索引是ID还是曲名)。分析JSON文件以获得曲目信息,返回的是一个查找单一曲目中信息的函数。仅获取单一曲目的信息。table中的索引名请查看下方switch表。 -- Songlist是以数字为索引值,因此遍历Songlist,直到发现需要找的曲目,将信息存入info变量中。 -- 如果模式是ID则遍历songlist直至发现id值为索引值为止,并获取内容。曲名同理。 local function findFirstByTitle(src, title) title = lang:lc(title) for _, k in ipairs(src) do if lang:lc(k['title_localized']['default']) == title then return k end end end local function findFirstById(src, id) for _, k in ipairs(src) do if k['id'] == id then return k end end end function p.singleSongInformation(index, indexTyped) -- 传入曲名或ID,获得一个查阅信息的函数。直接在下一个模块使用。 -- index:曲目的索引字符串,和typed一致 indexTyped:id或name,查找曲目的索引值类型 local findFirst = indexTyped == "id" and findFirstById or findFirstByTitle local append = findFirst( mw.text.jsonDecode('Songlist append.json', 'Template'):getContent())['songs'], index) if append ~= nil then return songClosure(append) end append = findFirst( mw.text.jsonDecode('Songlist.json', 'Template'):getContent())['songs'], index) if append == nil then mw.log('无法在Songlist中发现目标,索引值为:' .. index) end return songClosure(append) end return p